The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SPAPERFOR Weetlwrt Continued 'ii unseasonably w9 fair and through. THE WHOL FAMILY VOLUME LXXVH NO. 214 SEYMOUR, INDIANA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1959 A 2-4871 PRICE SEVEIi CETiTX Mayor Receiv For Off-Strciet Lot Deaths Needs 1 1 Coun Consent HoIidayJDeath Log -19 m. CDT A five-year: lease between1 the- binding the: ctty to any agreement. Traffic Boating By THE ASSOCIATED; PRESS Ideal weather "and the? last ex tended holiday weekend of tha-summer combined to produce mounting death toll on the nation's highways over the Labor Day weekend.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and vlerms of the lease call tor the if 321 18 33 52 424 Non-Boating, Orowninga the City of Seymour has been re-, cjty to rent the property at $50 ceived by Major John C. Isaacs, a month, for five years, with a Miscellaneous Total but official signing of the docu- renewal clause. The agreement Jnent will probably have to await' also gives the city the right to common council approval. raze a two-story masonry freight Sound Warning The National Safety Council, grimly statistically minded. Mayor Isaacs said railroad of- building which faces Tipton street sounded this warning: There i ficials have included a clause in and to salvage whatever materials only 'one way to hold down the the lease which the city had nev- possible Ike Ends 13-Day European Swing, Heads For Home It had been Mayor Isaacslin- toll and that Is by drivers doing their part.

The toU continues to mount alarmingly. Unless thera la tentloh to start work immediately uoon receiving, the lease, but the tax clause prohibits any immed iate action, pending council ap- Droval. Mayor Isaacs said the annual tax on the parking lot site would been asked to consider and which had not been mentioned during negotiations. The proposed lease contains a clause pertaining to taxes on the two-plus acre tract of ground which the city wants to rent for en off-street parking lotThe railroad's lease agreement would put the tax burden upon the city, Mayor Isaacs said. The maypr said the matter will fcave to be taken up by the council before any official be set on the instrument.

be minimal. TURNBERRY, Scotland, President Eisenhower 13-day swing through Europe today and flew back to Washington to prepare for his meeting eight days hence with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Because of bad weather in Iceland, the President canceled his The city plans to clear the land, a definite improvement in tha drivers' behavior, the. toU eould approach the all-time high, "We ask every driver to act ai his own traffic officer cept personal responsibility fof preventing an accidentthe ona he might cause." Five An Hour 1 The count was moving at a rata, of more than five dead from traffic accidents aa hour, Typical summer weather prevailed nearly everywhere from almost the start of the holiday. Mil.

then develop ir as "a free park ing area according to an agree ment with the Seymour Chamber Commerce. The chamber solic plan to lunch there with Icelandic ited its own members to pay the President Asgeir Asgeirsson. $50 per month rental if the city Instead, the chief executive's would not install meters on yellow-nosed jet airliner sped him new lot. to Washington jria Gander Newfoundland. snootmg Yictii lions came out on 'the highways.

It- is -Mayor Isaacs', intention-to The council estimated early The President looked relaxed the weekend that n.rtipon vehi use materials extracted from the stone warehouse to build a city earaee for Seymour's valuable Accomplice Jailgd and sun-tanned after his three-day I street equipment and trucks. cles would be in operation on roads at some time during the period from 6 p.m. Friday to midnight Monday. The narking lot would be lo cated east of the Pennsylvania golfing vacation in Scotland. He took the vacation to rest up after a series of conferences with European leaders a- tour which his doctors called one of the toughest jobs of; his presidency.

After long and intimate talks Authorities Place Two Local Youths At Scene Of Attempted Burglary Railroad right-of-way, north of Tipton street, west of Broadway and south of the tracks. The railroad has already removed a water tower which had been situ A 16-year-old Seymour boy. Shot while 'fleeing police, and his 18-year-old accomplice have been charged by state police with with West Germany's Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Britain's Prime Minister Harold Macmillan Ike went to Paris, to see President Charles de Gaulle. ated on the site. 4 I ft ri It is the hope of the city and automobile banditry and breaking chamber to have the project end entering.

Then he flew to. Scotland to re completed in time for the annual shopping season as a business at lax at his 16-room apartment in 420 KUled in 'SI During last year's three-day holiday, there wera 420 persons killed by motor vehicles, Tha council estimated this year's holiday would take a toll of 450. For comparison. The Associated Press made a survey of accidental deaths during 'tha Aug. 21-24 weekend.

There were 307, dead in automobile mishaps, 15 in boating accidents, 71 drownings that did not involve boats, and 78 front miscellaneous causes. This survey had a total of 469 dead. Record ia 4S1 The record traffic death toll for the Labor Day holiday is 461 and, 65S from accidents of all causes, both-set in 1951. Jack McClintock, wounded in the1 back by a shotgun blast fired by Dct. First Sgt.

Harry McMillin, Culzean Castle. traction for the city. Inlets and outlets to the off- On leaving Culzean. he shook of the Seymour state police post, hands with his host and hostess. street lot "would be along Tipton street, Broadway and onto Jeffer- Saturday morning is also-eharged the Marquis and Marchioness of with juvenile delinquency, 1887.

Other states followed and by 1894, 30 of them had taken similar action. It was in that year that Congress legalized the holiday in the District of Columbia and the territories. In grandpa's day, Labor Day morning was probably taken up with parades, with as many men as could be assembled carrying banners and signs proclaiming their affiliations and their sentiments, to be reviewed by the mayor and local officials. Sometimes the "unity" of labor was in doubt, such as when two rival organizations held separate parades and their routes happened to overlap. Skirmishes were not uncommon in those, the cruder days of union Then in the afternoon came picnics, and for the kids, it was.

the next best holiday to the Fourth of. July. Today all Americans think of it as a holiday for every one of us a day for remembering and reaffirming the traditional American respect for honest toil and, above all, a day set aside in which to enjoy the fruits of that toil. 1 sonville avenue, which would be Ailsa. The kind of Labor Day celebration that grandpa used to know would hardly be recognized by us today.

Seventy-seven years, and much history, have passed since the holiday was first observed. The young labor movement was making a slow but definite comeback from the industrial crisis of 1873-77 when 'Peter J. McGuire, president of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, decided that labor should demonstrate its strength. He started a campaign for a day honoring the worker. The first show of support came from the Central Labor Union of New York, which held a parade in September, 1882.

The first Monday was chosen because it fell midway between--July 4 andu Thanksgiving. Parades were held in New York every year after that. In 1884, the three-year-old American Federation of Labor designated the day as Labor Day. A continent away, Oregon was the first state to enact a law1 making the first Monday in September a holiday. That was in Being held at Jackson County an outlet only.

His final words to Lord Ailsa, who had lived in a wing of his Jail in Brownstown with McClin tock is David Carr, also of Sey ancestral home during Eisen Austin Girl Hit hower's visit were. "It's been mour, who was arrested about a.m. Saturday as a suspect just wonderful." By Car, Critically UrS. To Spearhead Call Injured Saturday in the attempted burglary of, Kichart's Men's Store, 1935 Ewing street, Kockford, about 3:30 the same morning. Leon Richart owner and operator of the men' store, telephoned police after hearing someone trying to break into the establishment.

Det. McMillin' was the first to arrive on the scerte and spotted trio of youths running from the back door. A x-year-old Austin girl rl xs was Aas affter was critically injured Saturday Wednesday Final Accide Traffic Few nts Sending Observers On noon in Austin when she struck by a "car while returning Day In ASC Vote home with an ice cream cone Wanda Louise Lawson, daughter AttacIrSuspect Pleads Innocent Seymour Man Denies Attempt Assault Of His Daughter, Five of Mr. and Mrs. Jona Lawson, was To Strife-Torn Laos The detective fired several 1 blasts from a shotgun, one of taken to Schneck Memorial Hospital at 3 p.

m. with head injuries and abrasions of the face, hands So Far In This Area-Holiday Peak Tonight which struck McClintock irr-the back. The wounded youth fell. Farmers To Elect 12 1 "Township Committees Tabulation Thursday Deadline for returning ballots UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. AP) ence agreement for peaca and and feet, according to the hos The United States spearheaded independence, Trench Indo- but the others escaped on foot pital.

She was transferred at 7 Wounded boy was treated at A 40-year-old Seymour man a move today to call on the U.N. cnina, uaos opposes hub pian. p. m. to Children's Hospital, Louis Schneck Memorial Hospital for for the annual Agricultural Stabil ville, for further treatment.

bis wounds which were minor. ization and Conservation commun was arraigned in Jackson Circuit Security Council to send a lact- ao aoes ue uniwsa awes ana Court Saturday and pleaded not finding mission to' troubled Laos. Britain. guilty to a charge' of assault and The U.S. delegation and several To Hear Dag one Saturday night on North According to the report given ity committee elections is mid While McClintock was being held in city iail here.

Carr was night Wednesday. Results of the battery with intent to commit a I others were expected to suDmu me councu was to near a re. the hospital, the little girl had left her home to purchase an ice cream 1959 elections will be determined statutory offense upon his five- a resolution proposing sucn a mis- pon irom secretary uenerai Thursday when the ballots are year-old daughter. sion to tne councu meeung on nammarsnjuia oa icnr iw Few traffic accidents have occurred in ihis vicinity so far during the Labor Day holiday weekend but the peak of motorists on highways is expected late this afternoon and tonight as thousands of people return home after long weekend holiday excursions. Ti flic that was distributed Fri counted at the ASC office.

Lester Carender was ordered Laos' plea lor a U.W. emergency ceivea irom uobu xoreiao O'Brien street road near Pauley's camp northeast of Seymour, and another early Sunday night four miles south of Seymour on Ind. 11, were recorded but no reports have been filed by the investigating officer because of holiday patrol duty. No one was injured but one force to meet any aggression from ister Khamphan Panya. held under a $2,000 bond set pre-i To be elected are chairman, Communist North Viet The letter reflected trouble tha vice-chairman, member, first alternate member and second alterr arrested and investigation also put him at the scene as one of McClintock's accomplices.

The third youth is still being sought. Police searched the area after McClintock was shot and found his car parked about a hall mile northwest of the store on a side toad. The car was gone by authorities and then turned over to the wounded boy's parents. viously and was returned to the county jail where he has been in custody since his arrest by city police. i royal government of Laos has had AikHelecuon wHh CommunIst pathet La0 reb- North Viet Nam early sinM last Mav.

when gnaky nate member of the community day afternoon and night, the peak cone and was crossing the street in front of her home when the accident occurred. She was listed as "critical' when transferred because of the head injury, the hospital reported. Other Mishaps Mrs. Acel 'Bryantr8r Fourth Street Road, was treated and released at 10:45 a. m.

Saturady at Schneck Memorial Hospital after snV fell and hurt her hand while in her home. committee in each of Jackson of traffic so far, and also on Sat- driver was cited following an ac- said it had asked the U.N. to re- 19S7 tionl unity and peaca Taylor Hoffar, Seymour at County's 12 townships. ject Laos' request for a U.N. force areement between the two broke i i 111 1 urcy, is expected to be using the cident at 3:20 p.

m. Friday on roads at virtually the same time U. S. 50 1.9 mileswest of Sey-tonight, congesting the main high- mour. torney, is the defendant's counsel and appeared Saturday with Farmers are voting on absentee ballots for five of 10 nominees for ana oranaea uiegiu.

down. "The government of the demo- that sinca July 16. for- Carender. The charge Was filed the posts. The chairmen and vice- cratic Republic of Viet Nam is trooDS had been crossing McClintock and Carr, both of whom haye previous police way arteies and causing hazard- A 1956 model coach driven east chairmen who are elected will al against the man by his wife.

Ous traffic conditions. on the highway by Wendell Lee hjghlytindignant j. northeastern frontier with, records including auto banditry, Arraignment-Delay so be the respective township's All state police will be on dutytJjerekarnp, 30 of Brownstown, Paul Ruddick, 37, 528 West have, been uncooperative and Arraignment was postponed delegate and alternate delegate to autmanted bv-Natlonal Guards- owned by Sanford Riggle, of said the Red warn news communist North Viet Nam. Agency. "It points out that the Appeal For Force" deep-seated root of the present jt urged that an emergency Fourth street, was treated ana re- have refused to Tell authorities the until Saturday in the case of the the annual county ASC convention men in jeeps, during the late af- Brownstown, and a 1953 model name of the third youth involved Officers and members will be leased at p.

m. Sunday after he cut his left foot on glass. ternoon and nigh hours today in, coach driven east by Robert State vs. Ingram Brock, 23, of Brownstown, and Morris Sons, 25, tension in Laos is the interference force soon as possible of the United States aimed at tton aegression." and In the incident, effort to maintain the good Thompson, 19, Cortland Rl, were Roy C. Lollis, ,37, 317 South selected on the basis of the-number of votes each man receives.

The highest vote getter on down turning this country into one of its sked Hammarskjold to apply record so far during the holiday, in a line of traffic being slowed to of Seymour R2, charged with auto banditry and grand larceny. Park street, was- treated and re in this district. stop by a flagman where shoulders military bases ana serious aDDropriate procedure." Mellen and Mellen, Bedford through the fifth place man. will threatening the peaca of Viet Comol.t Holidy are being constructed on U. S.

50. be elected to the five posts in each' leased at 7:10 p. m. Sunday for lacerations of the knuckles on the right hand, hurt while he was installing a garage Nam." law firm, is counsel for the two men who were arrested in con Today, was.a complete holiday. "When the Herekamp car stopped.

community. A U.S. delegation spokesman Issued a statement Sunday to the effect that the United States and other countries would propose a resolution for "the formation of 1 in Seymour, with most businesses tne other car was unaoie to stop nection with the theft of 60 car Not U.N. Member North Viet Nam is not a mem A board consisting of Richard closed and no city or rural mail jn time ana comaea witn tne rear ripiivprips Tndav's issue of The of the other auto. The car driven tons of cigarettes from a John Groub Company truck.

ber of the United Nations. Elliott, Henry Fountain and Francis Frische will tabulate the votes Thursday, under the auspices of Heiwig Says He Vetoed Water Plan On Advice Eight years ago, the city council voted to "purchase the Seymour Water Company, but nothing was raid about a referendum at that time, Donald L. Heiwig, who was then mayor, stated Saturday afternoon "in calling attention to what he said were errors in a Tribune article Saturday regarding ths utility purchase issue. Daily Tribune was issued before bv Herekamp was not damaged If the Soviet Union should veto subcommittee of the council to Sons "was employed by the I Lutheran Students To Start Class Tuesday First day of school at Immanuel Lutheran School will be Tuesday. noon in order that members of DUt ln Jnomp.son car was aam tha resolution seeking a fact-find- look into tne lacis on me spot ui firm as driver of the hijacked the staff could enjoy a partial aRcd on the front bumper guard truck and reportedly helped ing mission, the sponsors could Laos.

ipt mprffoncv session of the Some observers expressed be- the county ASC committee, its chairman, Fred Krumme, and Harry Spray, ASC office manager. holiday. D0Ut Brock transfer the stolen cigar General Assembly within 24 houri lief the Soviet Union would ab- Shields Park swimming pool Detective Sgt. Harold E. Cham ettes to Brock's automobile.

They Students will attend an opening Spray again warned voters that mU rnnriiirfo its mnst supc-pssfui oers, wno investigated, cuea are being held under $10,000 bond by a vote of any seven of the 11- stain-Irom vpung on expecv countries on the council. ed fact-finding resolution and let service in the church and win re any envelopes, wnemer reiurnea Herekamp to appear in a Browns turn to their school rooms for in person or by. mail and not town" justice of peace court on each. Withdraws Plea Some diplomats said they had it pass just to keep things pieas- year today with swimming from 1 to 6 p. Joe Gill, pOol manager, reminded residents today.

Gili Heiwig said he vetoed the on the of the Indianap book rentals and similar informa charge of not having a valid bearing the voter's name and address will be ruled ineligible and Donald Lee Crockett, 26, of tion. chauffeur's license. olis bond consultant firm, of Ross, said the pool has grossed about Seymour, who was arraigned and the farmer stricken from the eli- word the Soviets had drafted a ant lor eoviei rrenuer xuui. resolution of their own favoring Khrushchev's U.S. trip.

Others be revival of the dormant Canadian- lieved the U.S.S.R would veto the Indian-Polish International Con- resolution to show Asian Commu- McCord, Ice and Miller, attorneys Wednesday will be the first full day of study for the 1959-60 aibility list for this year's elec pleaded not guilty to charges- of who would have to give an opinion operating a motor vehicle while tion. $9,200 this year and has played host to about 62,000 bathers'pf all ages since May 30, the best records ever compiled atjhe local pooL trol Commission for Laos, a pro- nists she was still with them de approving bonds lor such a pur school term at the Lutheran school. About 20 more students However, anyone who knows he chase before they could be sold duct of the 1954 Geneva confer- spite Khrushchev a journey. Ewing Woman's Son Is Killed under the influence of intoxicating liquor and driving, without are expected at the school this returned his ballot without the return address on the outside may Many residents planned to en license. Saturday withdrew his He said the consultant firm "declared it a bad-investment" and he vetoed the proposed purchased year than last year, when, approximately 450 were enrolled.

obtain another ballot at the ASC plea to the first count. joy picnics and outings today, the last holiday before Seymour pub office in Brownstown to assure his Crockett then-pleaded guilty to drunken driving and was fined A 19-year-jold Gary serviceman stationed at Sheppard Air Force vote being counted lic school students return to schools for the first full, day -of Voting in the commumty eleor $50 and costs and Judge John Base, Texas, son of Mrs. Gene (Classes Tuesday. tions are farm owners whose lands have been in aV least one Lewis recommended his state driving privileges be suspended Two property damage accidents, Police Chief Sounds New Warning In Advance Of Schools Opening Tuesday vieve C. Jackson, of Ewing, was killed in an out-of-state mishap, being one of the many killed as for one year.

v. of the numerous farm programs during-the past year- and tenant The State dismissed the second the Labor Day holiday death toll Weather Records farmers. Tenant farmers, how t'i count of driving without a license mounts upward. t. "Cafotv vervbodv's lob." city instruct" their children in traffic ever, are not mailed ballots by Floyd E.

Wible was injured fa Bolice Chief Jack Koerner said to- safety, he added. the ASC and must obtauTthem at tally early Saturday morning the office when Crockett pleaded guilty and was-fined. Man Fined Grover Hariners, 16, of Brownstown, was found guilty Saturday when struck by a car while walk Bare are the 2 day in issuing a pre-school warn- jhe chief cited four particular ing to motorists as Seymour po- points, for and acfult pedes- ing along U.S. 277 north of Wich i weather record tor ita Falls. Tex.

lice launched their annual -rsacx tnans alike; Kit crouch: i Seymour. The To School" safety program. The young serviceman was also New Four-Way Stops Placed On Second St. -1 Never step into the street by Judge Lewis after a bench trial on a charge of assault and battery. downtown Seymour records and the D.

m. temperature the son of Sanford White, of Gary from between parked ears. Sr-Craw only i Vmooeit was fined $50 and Chief Koerner added, "At one time or another, we are all pedestrians. Pedestrian safety is juetc: important as school child safety." Other ysur-way i Mr? stprs in 3 Always walk with the traffic costs, given a suspended sixr month sentence to the Indiana reacunn are from County Peopfe Teach In Bartholomew Co. stalled along Second street, at Elm and Poplar streets, Saturday by the record! o( Mra.

light state farm and was ordered to per Many motorists wiu De driving Ruth Cverhart. Kov- 4 Look both ways before the city street department. sonally pay the fine and costs out times when children will be troment weather her coins to or returning irom of money at the rate of $5 observer at RocK- The new signs were installed as safety measure in view -of the Temple and Ralph McKain, both of SeymrJut R4rand Mrs.Grover DaviSyof Seymour, Chief Koerner said disobedience lord and are official -hnni and it is imperative mai per week. opening of the new Seymour Sen their speeds. este- of these four points causes the the 1959-60 are teaching duri: lor High School Tuesday and the Downtown Seymour ciallv in school zones, if serious majority of pedestrian traffic in smew Coun- school year in Bai forthcoming opening of the new mUhans are to be avoided.

'juries and fatalities, 96 Maximum Sunday ty schqols. v- Kroger Supermarket on Second The chief said children in lower LaSt year, 154 Hqosiers died on 70 the Minimum 10 a. m. Mrs. Jenkins is teaching street, between and; Pine r.Ao rwiiiire special attention Indiana streets and highways, .80 streets.

ILLINOIS LN DROWNS CHESTERTON, Ind. (AP) 24. Chicago, drowned Sunday. He was swimming in Lake Michigan at Dunes State, Park. His body was recovered about.

150 leet from shore in shoulder-high water. lor after they are the most, The police stress the fact that Mayor John. C. Isaacs ordered trout) when it comes the "bdds are against the pedes Opposition Laotian Troops Pictured, above, are members of a Pathet Lao unit, shown at Samneua, Laos, at a time when they supposedly were training for service with the Royal Laotian Army, Suc! troop reportedly, now. serve with Communist-dominated forces threatening Laos, .90 fifth and sixth grades at Jackson School; McKain is teaching history and mathematics at Kent Schoolf and Mrs.

Davis is fourth grade teacher at Wayne School. Official-' Record Maximum" Sunday Minimum Sunday Jliver at 1.9 foot hazards. Parents can trian in traffic. It; is a 0f the signs installed because of the increased, traffic along Second 66 make the work of police and mo- record, that flesh.and blood art no tofiti less exacting tney wouia ior iron ana siew, street 4 M-.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.