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Hasbro’s Jedi Quest Contest
posted byGonk@ 8:50 pm (8/31)

Here is some news on the new Hasbro contest. Thanks to everyone who sent in news about it.
On the back of the figures (now appearing in stores across the country) you find a blue post card that is stuck on. You can enter the contest by filling out the postcard and sending it in to Hasbro. But there is an age limit, you have to be between 4-12. There are to be 4 grand prize winners with 600 additional winners. When you send in the postcard you can become a member of the JediQuest, and you get a subscription to Commlink, which is possbily a newsletter Hasbro is putting out.

Jawa w/ one foot hole
posted bydlr@ 7:20 pm (8/30)

Crazy stuff here…. go toRebelscum.comto read more about this find and see the pic.

New 12″ at Target
posted byGonk@ 9:55 pm (8/29)

The new 12″ Obi-Wan, Watto and Battle Droid figs are now starting to show up at Target. Thanks to Matt for the news.

Mini Hasbro Figures
posted byhfsolo@ 2:10 pm (8/29)

Scott has more of these to sell, You can get the Naboo fighter $10.00 or a set of figures and the Fighter for $80 plus shipping. If you have ordered a set already email me and we will include the naboo fighter.

posted bydlr@ 9:10 pm (8/28)

The Insider Magazine and Star Wars Kids Magazine trivia giveaway starts on Sept. 1st, 1999 here at Yakface.com!

Tatooine Showdown 3 packs
posted bydlr@ 10:10 am (8/28)

This in from Soch-
I just wanted to let everyone know that EB is starting to get these for $21.99. I have seen them in three EB’s in my area (Southern NH & Northeastern MA). They have also have the new Han wave, although, I haven’t seen an R2D2 with holographic Leia.

Think About It Part II
posted bydlr@ 9:40 am (8/28)

A lot of you all wrote in to remind me that there are three additional figures still missing from the list of vintage figures Hasbro has yet to release. They are Tessek [squidhead], Imperial Commander, and Klaatu from Jabba’s Palace [the klaatu with robe around his waist]. Thanks to all who “reminded” me 🙂

Anakin Naboo Flooding Country
posted bystarforce@ 3:45 pm (8/27)

Several reports of the newly released Anakin Skywalker (Naboo) have been sent in. They are showing up all over the country along with the Han/Gonk POTF2 figures en mass. Most sightings are of multiple cases of these figures being found.

Hasbro CFO To Retire
posted bystarforce@ 3:45 pm (8/27)

Hasbro’s Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer John T O’Neill will retire at the end of the year. The resignation comes as Hasbro tries to allay concerns that sales of its newest line of SW action figures and vehicles haven’t been as robust as expected. To fill John O’Neill’s shoes, Hasbro has announced that David Hargreaves, Sr. VP of Finance has been promoted to Deputy Chief Financial Officer. Hasbro’s stock is down 27 percent since May 3, the date that the SW products were introduced. This info from Bloomberg News & Theforce.net.

Multiple Updates at StarWars.com
posted bystarforce@ 3:45 pm (8/27)

Theofficial Star Wars sitehas updated with a few new things. First a new snapshot of a Naboo Pilot during a space battle. Second, an interactive feature about Podracers and what makes them tick. Third is an article about “The Magic of Myth” returning to the U.S. Here is an excerpt: “Beginning this fall, people across the nation will have the opportunity to view one of the most visited Smithsonian exhibitions of all time. “Star Wars: The Magic of Myth” begins an American tour at the San Diego Museum of Art on September 25, 1999, and will be on view in San Diego through January 2, 2000. ” Check out the official site to check out all these new features!

Attention Custom Figure Builders!
posted bystarforce@ 3:45 pm (8/27)

If you are interested in making custom Star Wars figures, then head on over to theSarlacc Pit. The site now has very detailed articles on customizing Star Wars figures. From sculpting to molding, his articles cover the bases in detail and with tons of photographs! While you are there, check out his awesome customs!

Bradlees Sale!
posted byhfsolo@ 11:40 pm (8/26)

“I was at my local bradlees today and they had a bunch of ep1 stuff on sale for 50% off some things were pod racers for 14.99 commtech reader 11.49 beast packs for 9.99 ceremonial leia 12″ for 17.49 and some other asst things not everything like figs but at those prices pick’em up if you need’em but this may only be a 2 or 3 day sale check your local bradlees out jimmy aka mr sidious”

EE Feed
posted byhfsolo@ 11:40 pm (8/26)

posted byhfsolo@ 11:40 pm (8/26)

Fromtheforce.netcomes this bit of info. It seems that Lucas Arts will be including something special for PSX owners for having to wait. “TPM will include a special bonus for the long-suffering and endlessly patient fans-the Duel of the Fates video, in its entirety”

Target Clearance
posted byhfsolo@ 11:40 pm (8/26)

Thanks to Dave for the news. “I went to my local Target in Lakewood, CO today and found the classic assortment with flashback photo on clearance for $.74!!! They had Farmboy Luke, Ceremonial Leia, Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader and Hooded Obi-Wan and Hoth Chewbacca.”

Think about it
posted bydlr@ 10:40 pm (8/26)

I made a list today of the original figures Hasbro has yet to re-release in new form for the POTF2 collection-

General Nadine
Hoth rebel Commander
Imperial Dignitary
Snaggletooth [blue?]
Bespin Guard [white]
Bespin Guard [black]
Cloud Car pilot
Chief Chirpa

Sure would be nice to have these in some three packs eh? [hint hint hasbro ears….] Also wouldn’t it be cool to have IG-88 carded? just a thought…..

Jawa Variant
posted bydlr@ 10:40 pm (8/26)

Rebelscum.comhas pics of two versions of the new Jawa that comes with the Gonk droid. One has holes in the bottom of his feet ones does not- stop on over to see for yourself.

AA 2-Packs
posted bypItDrOiD@ 11:03 pm (8/25)

Chad writes in with thisActionAce.comnews:

“Action Ace.com has several 2-pack figures available. Characters include Darth Sidious, Yoda, Droideka, Rune Haako, Nute Gunray, etc. The 2 pack title comes from the fact that each comes with a Battle Droid, “to build your own personal Battle Droid army.” No Commtechs are included, though.”

Upcoming Lucasarts Games
posted bystarforce@ 2:45 pm (8/25)

Here is a quick rundown of a bunch of Lucasarts games coming out in 1999:
– Episode 1: The Phantom Menace (PSX) – 9/14/99
– Pit Droids (PC) – 9/15/99
– Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (PSX) – 9/14/99
– Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (PC) – 11/16/99
– Episode 1: Racer – (Color Gameboy) – 12/8/99

Episode 1 in Europe
posted bystarforce@ 2:45 pm (8/25)

Theofficial sitehas updated once again with an article on the record breaking openings of Episode 1 in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Norway and Spain. Episode 1’s next international opening takes place today in Switzerland. Also a newsnapshothas been posted, Queen Amidala’s ship docks on Coruscant.

Star Wars On…HD-DVD!?
posted bystarforce@ 2:45 pm (8/25)

According to a recent interview with Episode 1 producer Rick McCallum, The Star Wars trilogy may not be released on DVD at all! It appears Lucas is waiting for a new format to come out in a year or two called HD-DVD (High Definition DVD). This means a lot more storage compacity and higher resolutions. McCallum also talks about how the Indiana Jones trilogy will be re-released on VHS and Laserdisc this year in Widescreen formats but not on DVD (Talk about backwards). Check out theDVDFilefor the full rundown and a great editorial on the issue.

Anakin Naboo in PA
posted bydlr@ 5:45 am (8/25)

Anakin Naboo is showing up here in Central PA at Wal-Marts. So are the Epic Force Obi Wan and Darth Maul figures. Thanks to Darth Celt for sending in the news!

New Die Cast toys in Jersey
posted bydlr@ 9:15 pm (8/24)

Where I live in N.J. there’s a bunch of new die-cast and micro machine toys by galoob at the local walmart in Roxbury N.J..

I picked up the Sith Infiltrator (AWESOME!) and I saw a Trade Federation battle tank (I think that’s what it’s called) and Sebulba’s pod racer for sale for about $6. There could be more available, but those were the one’s I saw. All of them were die-cast metal and very detailed.

Also I saw some new micromachine two-packs. I can’t quite remember exact combintations, but there was a mini- Darth Maul figure with another Maul on a Speeder; Rune Haako with a land speeder; naboo starfighter with a pilot. There’s more obviously, but I just wanted to let you know. Again, I don’t know if this is new info, but the infiltrator is GREAT!!!! They just need to make a big one for the Hasbro line.

Thanks to Matt for the news!

Star Tours
posted bydlr@ 9:15 pm (8/24)

Disney is curently remodeling the store, and it is currently closed. An employee told me they’re shooting for a mid-September reopening. Thanks to Tom for the news!

The numbers
posted bydlr@ 9:15 pm (8/24)

Episode one has made 418 mil in the U.S. and 689 mil worldwide!

posted bydlr@ 9:15 pm (8/24)

Parkwars.comis the place to download the south park styled Episode 1 trailers. Very funny stuff!

Happy Birthday to Kenny Baker!
posted bydlr@ 9:15 pm (8/24)

Kenny Baker, the man who has brought R2-D2 to life for all of us turns 65 today! Happy Birthday Kenny!

Theed Generator with Battle Droid Info
posted bystarforce@ 3:15 pm (8/24)

Looking at the scan of the box (see story below), you may be wondering why a Battle Droid figure is packaged with the playset when there were no Battle Droids at all during the lightsaber duel. This comment from Kurt may clear everything up: “I just purchased the Episode I Insider’s Guide CD-ROM (great piece) and when you read the commentary for the saber duel between Maul and Obi-Wan, it says that in the original script Obi-Wan fought off BattleDroids before slicing Maul in half (rather than jumping up from the melting pit the way he did in the final draft and film). I wonder if this is another case of getting the toy done before the movie?” Probably is, or Hasbro decided to throw in a cheap Battle Droid to give more play value to the playset.

Missing R2-D2 w/ Hologram Update
posted bystarforce@ 3:15 pm (8/24)

New developments in the Missing R2-D2 w/ hologram Leia story have come in (see story below). I recieved a couple reports from people who ordered a couple cases from online stores and they contained the R2 figure. In contrast, a few more reports of people opening the cases in stores and finding no R2 figure have come in. My only guess is that there are currently two different assortments shipping. One without R2 and one with R2.

On another sidenote, apparantly the Jawa w/ Gonk figure is not pictured on the backs of the new figures, but the R2-D2 with hologram Leia is.

Episode 1 for PSX Goes Gold!
posted bystarforce@ 9:50 am (8/24)

Lucasarts has announced that “Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace” for the playstation game console has gone gold, which means the game is finished and is now being manufactured for a September release date. The game will be just like the PC version with the same name.

Theed Generator Battle Droid
posted bystarforce@ 9:50 am (8/24)

Philip over at rebelscum.com reports that the Battle Droid included with the Theed Generator playset is the same that is included in the overseas two-packs. Which means less articulation, paint and a molded gun onto the hands.

KFC Name Badges
posted bystarforce@ 9:50 am (8/24)

I meant to post these a long time ago but never got around to it. Anyway, check out the links below to see images of the name badges worn by cashiers and managers. These are probably some of my favorate pieces in my collection.

click on thumbnails to make larger
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NEW Hasbro site
posted byhfsolo@ 11:40 pm (8/23)

This info we posted is incorrect. I have heard from Jen that the site will be up soon. Please be patient! “(incorrect info)Thanks to Carlos for lettin us know what a Hasbro Comsumer Rep e-mailed him back when he asked them a few questions.
“Thank you for contacting us. We appreciate your interest and feedback. The Star Wars web site (http://www.starwars.hasbro.com )will be updated by August 23rd to reflect all the Episode 1 information with tentative release dates.”

R2-D2 Missing?
posted bystarforce@ 10:30 pm (8/23)

Mark sent in an interesting report where he opened a sealed case of POTF2 figures at Wal*Mart. “I opened the sealed case, there were no R2D2 w/ Holographic Leia! The case had 3 Hans, 3 Luke w/skyhopper, 3 Greedo and 3 Jawa w/Gonk, but no R2D2 w/Leia.” I don’t think he is missing, I am pretty sure he is scheduled to come out with Darth Vader w/ Interrogator droid, New Stormtrooper, etc. in September. Correct me if I am wrong.

Theed Generator Boxed
posted bystarforce@ 10:30 pm (8/23)

Jedeyeben has sent in ascan of the boxfor the newly released Theed Generator Complex with exclusive Battle Droid figure. Thanks for the image!

Official Site Updates
posted bystarforce@ 10:30 pm (8/23)

The Official Star Wars site has updated with news on the release of the new Star Wars Insider magazine. Highlights from the magazine include an interview with Ahmed Best (Jar Jar), Rick McCallum’s Prequel Update, A look back at the summer of Star Wars, and two different covers.Click hereto read the article.

Also a newsnapshotof a model from the Theed Palace miniature has been posted.

MosEspa.com Summer Sale!
posted bydlr@ 8:25 pm (8/23)

MosEspa.comis having a summer sale! 100 items are now up to 70% off! Visit the site for more details!

New toys out!
posted byhfsolo@ 6:45 pm (8/23)

Thanks to Padawan for the news. “The Die-Cast Sith Infiltrator and Republic Cruiser are at Wal-Marts now, as are the new Podracers and the “Make Your Own Pod” kit. Also, several local Taco Bells are selling all four of their Ep. 1 posters for around $2, don’t know if that’s nationwide or what.”

Han Wave hits Canada
posted byhfsolo@ 6:45 pm (8/23)

PB200 wrote in to us that they have started showing up in Wal-Marts.

Darth Maul at TRU on-line
posted byhfsolo@ 10:30 pm (8/22)

TRU Online has the Darth Maul Tatooine and Electronic Maul for sale.

New 3″ Droideka [PRT III]
posted bydlr@ 8:55 am (8/22)

More info in from DubDub:
“I’ve noticed that neither of the Destroyer Droids pictured in your comparison picture have yet to be released. If you compare the Droideka pictured on the left, described as “currently shipping,” with your own Droidaka you’ll notice some differences: 1) There is a noticeable line on the bottom ball shape (perhaps to help make the droid transform); 2) There is detail on the top ball joints of the legs on the current droid that is obviously absent on this one; 3) The head on the current one looks a bit smaller; and 4) The “notches” on the head of the current droid go out straight while this one’s seem to be slanted and shaped down towards the rest of the droid’s head. This could be a prototype of the already released one, but I think it is most likely a transforming Droideka of some kind.”

I guess we will all have to wait and see 🙂 Clickhereto compare.

New Release Rundown (part 2)
posted byGonk@ 8:25 pm (8/21)

Here are some more new items that have recently been released. Thanks to everyone who sent in the news.
Anakin (Naboo) (Wal-Mart)
Galoob Deluxe Theed Hangar Action Fleet Playset ($24.99) and the Royal Starship Repair Playset (19.99) (Meijer)
Galoob Build your own Podracer Set (Wal-Mart)

New Release Rundown
posted byGonk@ 2:35 pm (8/21)

Since there has been a lot of new products showing up this past week I thought i’d post a short rundown of what is out and where so far they have been found.
Tatooine Showdown Cinema Scene (Wal-Mart)
Han Wave (TRU, Wal-Mart)
Adi Gallia (TRU, Wal-Mart)
Theed Generator Complex Playset (TRU)

New 3″ Droideka [PRT II]
posted bydlr@ 10:55 am (8/21)

Thanks to all who wrote in to “remind” me that the R2-D2 carry case droideka does not transform, meaning this new battle damaged droideka will most likely be carded! Here is more news on this from Jim Abell:
“Don’t know if you were the one that posted the update to the story or one of the other guys, but I firmly believe that the new destroyer figure is too arrive carded. My reasoning: 1) the photos were all cataloged by product numbers followed by a letter (a=thumbnail image, b=catalog shot, one letter was for prototype shots, one for packaged shot and there was even one for commtech sounds); 2) the number on the R2 case photo from the site is 26226 (image enclosed…) which matches the numbering convention for Hasbro Direct product, while the battle damaged destroyer’s photo is number 84216 which matches numbering for Kenner Star Wars product; 3) the figure is photographed standing over a commtech chip and, to date, the chips have only been included with single carded figures and boxed 3 packs; and 4) I read somewhere that the destroyer included with the case does not unfold out of the wheel shape and only has 2 moving parts (didn’t say which ones…). Again, these are just my observations, but I’ll stand by them anyday!”
Clickhere!if you missed yesterday’s post.

Jar Jar Fan Club
posted bydlr@ 11:20 pm (8/20)

Wow! Someone likes JarJar!Check it out here!

New 3″ Droideka coming!
posted bydlr@ 8:20 pm (8/20)

Thanks to Jim Abell from “The Inner Circle” for pointing this out! Apparently when Hasbro had their site up many people went a snoopin’ for new pics… well these two were both up there… the difference in the new Droideka seems to be battle damage! Check the comparisonhere!

12″ Electronic Maul
posted byhfsolo@ 6:30 pm (8/20)

TRU now has this in stock. Check out the email that was sent to James.

Dear Darth Maul Fan: The Electronic Darth Maul 12 inch Action Figure has just arrived in our warehouse. We are notifying you about this product first, as you expressed interest in a similar item.
Very soon, we will send out an e-mail to other Star Wars fans. So act now! With the Electronic Darth Maul 12 inch Action Figure, there’s a lot to get excited about:
– Top design and realistic detail. Figure comes with Darth Maul Cloak and Lightsaber
– Your favorite authentic battle sounds and voices from the movie
– Lightsaber combat action

Han Solo Wave
posted byhfsolo@ 6:30 pm (8/20)

Thanks to Jake for the news. It appears the Han Wave has hit in Iowa at Walmart.

12″ Anakin and Watto
posted bystarforce@ 2:30 pm (8/20)

Jon sent in some nice detailed scans of the recently released 12″ Anakin Skywalker and Watto dolls. Click on the links below to check out the scans.

Watto & Anakin Front/Watto & Anakin Back

eBay Bidding Tip
posted bystarforce@ 2:30 pm (8/20)

Just a quick tip for all you eBay bidders, before bidding on a item be sure to check the sellers eBay Feedback rating! This could be done by clicking on the number that is next to the sellers username. There have already been a few people ripped off because the seller was a crook!

DVD News
posted bystarforce@ 2:30 pm (8/20)

Some new info was released during the recent San Diego Comic Con. Looks like you will have to wait awhile to get Star Wars on DVD, Lucas still plans on releasing all 6 movies as a DVD box set after Episode III comes out in 2005. The DVDs are supposed to be the best Lucasfilm can do and look for them to be chock full of extras such as the cut scenes from “A New Hope”. On the brighter side, the Episode 1 VHS release will probably be Spring 2000.

Adi Gallia Case Assortment
posted byGonk@ 10:50 pm (8/18)

Here is the Case assortment for Adi Gallia.
4x Adi Gallia
3x Ody Mandrell
3x Captain Tarpals
2x OOM-9
2x Gasgano / Pit Droid
2x Ki Adi Mundi
1x Boss Nass
1x Chancellor Valorum

Adi Gallia in Stores NOW!
posted byGonk@ 2:15 pm (8/17)

Adi Gallia has started to show up in stores across the country. So far it has only been reportd found at Wal-Mart and TRU.

Adi Gallia PICS
posted byGonk@ 6:40 pm (8/16)

Here are some nice detailed scans of the new Adi Gallia figure.
Adi Gallia (Front)
Adi Gallia (Back)
Adi Gallia (Cloaked)

Epic Force Darth Maul PICS
posted byGonk@ 6:40 pm (8/16)

Here are some nice detailed scans of the new Epic Force Darth Maul.
Boxed (Front)
Boxed (Back)

AAT and Faamba OUT NOW!
posted byGonk@ 11:25 am (8/15)

The remote controlled AAT and Faamba from Galoob are both now showing up in stores. Both are selling for about $17.99. Thanks to Mr. Quint for the news.

Ep I Epic Force OUT NOW!
posted byGonk@ 12:10 pm (8/13)

We’ve recieved reports of the Epic Force Darth Maul and Obi Wan showing up in stores in the US. Also,Rebelscumis reporting the case breakdown is 3 Maul’s and 3 OB-1’s.

Topps Hobby Edition Series Two out now!
posted bydlr@ 7:05 pm (8/12)

Well here come 80 more cards! That’s right Topps has released an additional 80 core cards under the hobby edition line. There are also 6 embossed foil & 4 chrome insert cards randomly packaged at the ratio of 1:12 for the embossed and 1:18 for the chromes! I bought all 80 for 18$ at my local comic shop today.Here is a scanof the new packaging to be on the lookout for. Remember you can only get these at hobby shops [comic stores basically]

6″ Ep I Figs OUT!
posted byGonk@ 6:15 pm (8/12)

The 6″ Ep I figs are OUT NOW! They are Anakin, R2-A6 and Pitdroids. The case assortment is
3 Anakins
2 Pit Droids
1 R2-A6
Here is a pic ofAnakin & R2-A6; thanks to Dan for the pic and news.

Lego Mindstorms Droid Developer Kit
posted bypitdroid@ 2:15 pm (8/12)

Wow! Thanks a million to Knight for this massive package of pictures he obtained of the nifty new little Lego Mindstorms Droid Developer Kit. There is a total of 16 pictures containing everything from parts to screen captures. Check it out:

Box Front/Box Back
Booklet Front/Booklet Front and Back
Parts Tray/Parts
The Micro Scout
R2-D2 Front/R2-D2 Side
Robot Front/Robot Side
Screen Capture 1/Screen Capture 2/Screen Capture 3/
Screen Capture 4/Screen Capture 5

Electronic Jar Jar Variation!
posted bypitdroid@ 1:15 pm (8/12)

Thanks to Earnest who sent this in. It is acomparison scan of the .0000 and .0100 Electronic Jar Jar Binks. He has both variations circled in neon green. You can see that on the .0100 version they change all but the first sentence of the paragraph and make the www.hasbro.com advertisem*nt not mention anything about “becoming a Master.”

Replacement Gold Yoda Can Scans
posted bystarforce@ 3:00 pm (8/11)

Dean has sent in some pics of the replacement gold Yoda can being sent to people who sent in the can in exchange for a replacement can and a $20 check. There are some differences between the store version can and the mail-away can. Check out the scans below.

click on images to enlarge
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Pepsi Check
posted byGonk@ 6:45 pm (8/10)

Thanks to Dean for the news and pic.
“I received my replacement gold Yoda can today from Pepsi and it is different than the ones that you find in the store and send in. It has a large starburst that says “Limited Edition Gold Yoda Can” and the phrase “This commemorative replacement can is not eligible for a prize. Not for retail sale.” It also has the standard Pepsi can logo with smaller Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew and Pepsi One logos next to it. The good news is that it is a sealed empty can ideal for display…although mine sounded like it had a few drops of some liquid inside of it.”
Here is apicof the check you get for the Gold Yoda can.

Pepsi Can Phrase
posted byGonk@ 6:45 pm (8/10)

Here is the phrase the Pepsi cans make in case you haven’t figured it out.
“Anakin breaks free but may face new enslavement, the Jedi triumph but their future is clouded, one menace is destroyed but another lurks nearby.” Thanks to Tony for the news.

Ki-Adi Mundi
posted byhfsolo@ 10:00 pm (8/9)

Just trying to head off the rumors. There is a rumor that the Ki-Adi has an error on the card. The rumor is that there is a misprint that it reads that Ki-Adi is a Jedi Knight, not a Jedi Master. This is not an error, he is the only Jedi Knight that serves on the council. Do not be taken in on this, do not pay more money for it.

Pepsi Words
posted byhfsolo@ 10:00 pm (8/9)

Here are the words to the Pepsi cans, see if you can figur out what the sentence is.
“new, lurks, breaks, but, their, face, but, enslavement, destroyed, future, may, another, anakin, is, free, jedi, but, nearby, is, triumph, menace, the, clouded, one” They are in order from can 1 to 24. Thanks to Ryo for the news.

Box Office
posted byhfsolo@ 10:00 pm (8/9)

Well it had to happen sooner or later. TPM is now at #11 out of the top ten for the first time since its release.

1 – The Sixth Sense $26,681,262
2 – The Blair Witch Project $24,347,345
3 – Runaway Bride $20,772,654
4 – The Thomas Crown Affair $14,600,719
5 – Deep Blue Sea $11,204,559
6 – Mystery Men $10,017,865
7 – Inspector Gadget $9,173,995
8 – The Haunting $6,439,877
9 – The Iron Giant $5,732,614
10 – American Pie $4,146,445
11 – Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace $2,223,198 bringing the total to $412,775,151

Rebel Pilots Pics
posted byGonk@ 4:30 pm (8/9)

Here are some detail pics of the new Rebel Pilots 3 pack.
Boxed (Front)
Boxed (Back)

Wedge (no helmet)
Wedge (helmet)

Arvel (no helmet)
Arvel (helmet)

Ten Numb (no helmet)
Ten Numb (helmet)

Star Wars Kids Magazine
posted byhfsolo@ 10:30 pm (8/8)

Issue #5 on sale now atMosEspa.com. This magazine is aimed at kids 7-12 years of age. You can get the most recent now. Remember that we will be having a trivia contest starting Sept. 1, 1999 to win 1 of 20 subscriptions right here at YakFace’s Realm.

TRU Cracker Jacks Canister
posted byhfsolo@ 10:30 pm (8/8)

They look just like the Anakin #1 Pepsi can, except they don’t have the nutritional info. The deal is you buy a Pepsi 12-pack and you get the canister for $4.99. The canister is 8 inches high and 5 across. On the lid it has TRU and Cracker Jack logos. Inside it has a small bag of Cracker Jacks, an Anakin mouse pad (he has on his podrace helmet and the podracer is in the background), and 2 coupons. One is for 20% off any one Kids R Us item, and the other is for $5 off any $25 TRU purchase (it pays for itself).

Defeated Darth Maul
posted byGonk@ 6:00 pm (8/8)

There seems to be a problem with people getting tricked into believing the “Defeated Darth Maul” is a real figure. It is NOT A REAL FIGURE, it is a custom figure. There was an article in a magzine called Toyfare last month on how to make this figure and how to place it into stores to trick people. Do not be fooled into buying this figure, unless you want a custom figure.

Fan Club Denver Passes
posted bydlr@ 10:55 am (8/7)

Hey all, I got my Fan Club Denver passes in the mail yesterday and was wondering if anyone else got thisextra cool passin their set?
*ok, after several what the *%#&? emails I must confess it is just a custom 🙂

E1 AF W2
posted bypitdroid@ 7:14 pm (8/6)

Hunter ESB found the Episode 1 Action Fleet Wave 2 at a local Target in Southern California. The wave consists of Anakin’s Pod, Droid Starfighter, Trade Federation Landing Ship, Gungan Sub, Mars Guo’s Pod, and Flash Speeder. Check outhis pictureof all of them.

Another Preorder
posted bypitdroid@ 7:14 pm (8/6)

Toys of Americais now taking credit-card preorders for the Interactive Yoda toy (Furby Yoda). You can visit the website or call (416) 746-7825.

Jabba the Hutt Boxed
posted byGonk@ 7:10 pm (8/6)

Here are some nice scans of the new Jabba the Hutt Ep I beast. Thanks to Darksith for the pics.
Jabba Box Front
Jabba Box back

Jabba the Hutt OUT NOW!
posted byGonk@ 11:40 pm (8/5)

The Ep I Jabba the Hutt beast pack is now showing up at Wal-marts across the country. Thanks to everyone who wrote in about it.

Nifty Japanese Pepsi Stuff
posted bypitdroid@ 3:02 pm (8/4)

Marilyn sent in these links of some awesome Japanese Star Wars Pepsi websites that feature some really cool products. Check them out:

Cheap K-Mart!
posted bypitdroid@ 2:20 pm (8/4)

bigv wrote in to say that he found the 12″ Electronic Darth Maul figure at his local K-Mart for a low $12.99! Check your local stores to see if this is a widespread incodent!

ActionAce Update
posted bypitdroid@ 2:08 pm (8/4)

ActionAcenow has some old orange and green POTF2 carded figures, plus Qui-Gon (Naboo), Obi-Wan (Naboo), and Amidala (Coruscant). Thanks to Gasgano for the news.

MosEspa Update
posted bypitdroid@ 2:06 pm (8/4)

MosEspa.comnow has the Rebel Pilots Cinema Scene available for $23.95 + S&H.

Sick of Soft Figures?
posted bypitdroid@ 2:03 pm (8/4)

Here is a little story and some advice on the quality of new Star Wars figures:

“I was just reading several of the action figure reviews, and I think that there is something which needs to be said to the general public…Many people complain about the “soft plastic” used in many E1 figures such as OOM-9. They complain that they cannot make him stand up, etc. First of all, the reason that softer vinyl is used is because of the joints. You’ll notice that OOM-9, for example has skinny arms and skinny joints. If he were made of “hard” plastic, one twist and SNAP! broken figure. The addition of articulation requires softer, more pliable plastic. Don’t believe me? Compare the Destroyer Droid’s tiny “elbow” joint to the shoulder joint of a normal figure. See the construction difference? Second of all, for those of you who can’t get your “soft plastic” figures to stand: 1) Heat with hair dryer for 5 seconds 2) Enjoy standable figure. Vinyl does bend easily making standing difficult, but it is a “memory plastic” and a slight heating will cause it to revert to its original mold.”

Han Wave Case Assortment
posted byGonk@ 6:10 pm (8/3)

Case No 84185
3 Luke with T-16
2 Jawa with Power droid
2 R2-D2 with Holo leia
2 Greedo – Cantina
3 Han Solo – Cantina

Tatooine Showdown pics
posted byGonk@ 5:55 pm (8/2)

Here are some detail pics of the upcoming Tatooine Showdown 3 pack. Thanks to Darth Bob for the pics.
Darth Maul
Qui Gon Jinn

Want Some Multimedia?
posted bypitdroid@ 12:42 pm (8/2)

Steve wrote in with his internet find:

“I found this link surfingthis site:It’s a Star Wars CD filled with audio and video clips from the movies. It’s $19.99 with a $19.99 rebate, so you pay S/H.”

eToys Savings Correction
posted bypitdroid@ 12:30 pm (8/2)

Looks like I’ve been out of the updating pool for a little too long. I posted something before I researched it, and of course, I screwed it up. Thanks to all who wrote in to set me right on this. TheeToys.comrefund works like this:

“If you buy something at etoys for 10.00 and find it cheaper for say 9.00 – Etoys would refund you 1.10 (1.00 difference plus 10 % = 1.10)” Thanks to massaua for wording it properly this time.

Classic Han Wave Pics
posted byGonk@ 10:28 pm (8/1)

Here ya go folks. Tons of pics (carded and loose) of the upcoming “classic” Han Solo wave. Thanks to Darth Bob for the pics.
Han Carded (Front)
Han Carded (Back)
Han Loose (Front)
Han Loose (Back)
Han Card (no bubble)

Greedo Carded (Front)
Greedo Carded (Back)
Greedo Loose (Front)
Greedo Loose (Back)
Greedo Card (no bubble)

Jawa Carded (Front)
Jawa Carded (Back)
Jawa Loose (Front)
Jawa Loose (Back)
Jawa Card (no bubble)

Luke Carded (Front)
Luke Carded (Back)
Luke Loose (Front)
Luke Loose (Back)
Luke Card (no bubble)

R2 Carded (Front)
R2 Carded (Back)
R2 Loose (Front)
R2 Loose (Back)
R2 Card (no bubble)

More Savings Tips!
posted bypitdroid@ 4:38 pm (8/1)

Catherine wrote in to say thateToys.comhas a refund policy that goes a little something like this: “if you find the same product in a retail store for a lower price, they’ll refund you 110% of your money.” Now this sounds a little too good to be true, so be sure to check the site before taking advantage of this offer.

Wanna Amanaman?
posted bypitdroid@ 4:05 pm (8/1)

The Galaxy’s Most Wantednow has a poll for an Amanaman figure. Check it out and vote!

Get your thinking caps on!!
posted byhfsolo@ 1:20 am (8/1)

The Realm is VERY pleased to announce that we have been able to make this happen. The Star Wars Insider and Yakface.com have teamed up. We are going to hold a trivia contest to give away memberships here at the Realm. We are going to run 2 contests, the first is for everyone from the age of 13 and up. There will be a 10 question quiz, and a random drawing from all the correct responses, we will choose 20 names to give away a subscription to the Insider. The other contest will be for Children 12 and under, again, there will be a trivia contest with the same results, although they will get a subcription to Star Wars kids. These memberships are courtesy of Dan Madsen and the Insider. More news to follow, so spread the word. The contest will begin on September 1, 1999.

Toy Guide
posted byhfsolo@ 1:20 am (8/1)

We have opened the Toy Guide up, Episode 1 Action figures have been posted. Please feel free to look around. If there is something you would like to see in the figure section that we missed, please feel free to email me.

Yakface.com | Serving Star Wars Collectors Worldwide (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.